Thursday, March 06, 2008

Pyhton developers hired by Sun

This is interesting news:

Python’s future looks bright by ZDNet's Ed Burnette -- It always warms my heart to see good programmers get the recognition they deserve. This week, Sun announced they were hiring Ted Leung (long-time Python developer), and Frank Wierzbicki (lead implementer of the Jython project). They’ll be working full-time on Jython and in particular paying attention to developer tools. Ted and Frank join Charles Nutter, Thomas [...]

Although Jython is not new, this shows the current trend in Sun: to support as many languages as possible in the VM. It's nice to see that not all eggs are being put in the same basket (Ruby) and Python is also getting some attention. I specially like that because I prefer Python over Ruby. This also reminds me of putting Jython in my ToDo list of technologies to check out :)

3 comentários:

Edu said...

I'm also starting to get interest in learning Python.

The new 3000 version will break back compatibility in favour of correcting past mistakes of it's +15 years existance. It it was sucessful language until now, it promises to be even better.

Carlos said...

Will that ever happen to Java ? :)
Maybe that's what Sun is doing, instead of breaking compatibility, they are bringing ohter languages to the VM. "You want this feature ? then use language X"

Anonymous said...

One virtual machine, several available languages.

Good to know not only has .net learned from java, but java is also getting some ideias from .net ;)