Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New ideas

Here's an interesting article about innovation and how we can feed our brain to breed new ideas. I still haven't tried the techniques, but they seem logical enough to work.
And no, the reason this blog hasn't been updated has nothing to do with lack of ideas, but with time-consuming personal matters :)

1 comentários:

Anonymous said...

Well, thanks for the link Carlos.

Sometimes ideas flow over us, and we don't feel the need to act on them and get them written up immediately: I think that's a major hang-up some people have.

People will beat themselves up for not having time, but the truth of the matter is, we're experts at allocating time to the things we feel we need to do right there and then. Just write those ideas down on a piece of paper somewhere and be prepared to throw it away one day - but never feel guilty about not allocating time to things that aren't important (like blogs!).

Take care, thanks again for the link, and if you try any of the methods, let me know how they work out for you.

-- Paul